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What books Taught me?

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies."- George R.R. Martin.


It's always a good time to start with a good quote in mind. Books are around us everywhere, they are with us in our rooms, offices, schools/colleges. We can conclude that books are a part of our surroundings. We cannot picture a world without books. Can we?

No matter what I am sure that you have read at least one book in your life. Books are an open-source of knowledge. They make us realize that knowledge is not only available in textbooks it can also be there in the mysterious lands of the books. Each book makes us feel connected to each character of the book. Characters are yet another fun factor of the story. Each character has one key lesson he/she wants to give us. They are emphasized and shown in such a way that it depends on us to make the decision.

Books play an important role in shaping a person and his/her knowledge. A book helps us to know the power of our imagination. Whenever a setting is described we tend to imagine it wondering, how the place would be? A series of pictures run through our minds. Next, we add in the characters who the real magic of the story. As I have mentioned earlier, a character adds a fun element to the story. Each character has one motive and it's the reader who decides what he/she want the character to be concluded like.

Books were not always something I liked. They were never a part of me. Ever since I was a child I never liked the idea of books. I thought they were boring. Time flew by and I reached my teenage. This was the first time I picked up a fresh book from the nearest book store. The fresh smell of a new book and a free bookmark with it made me wonder about this book. I love history and this book was perfect for me. I read through each page of the book, and each page made me realize that good books were.

Since that day, my love for reading kept on increasing. To this day I am very grateful to books as they have played an important role in my life.

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