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Top 5 Books to Read This Quarantine.

Hello Everyone, it's been so many days since I didn't sit down calmly to write a blog. I mostly keep expressing myself of Instagram more. Today I thought I should look into this specific topic. I am mostly the person who will directly shortlist books and just start reading but over time, I realized that there should be more of thinking before reading a book. This quarantine opened a lot of windows for reading new books. Here are some interesting books to read.

1. Palace of Illusion.

This book is written by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. This fictional book is based on the life of Draupadi and her perspective of Mahabharat. Concentrating on some of her life-changing decisions like marrying all the five Pandavas. While I was reading this story, I concentrated more on the language bit. The language of this book is written in a beautiful way showing us every emotion of Draupadi's feelings will definitely make you feel sympathetic for her.

2. A Thousand Splendid Suns.

This is one of the most astounding novel. The author of this book is Khaled Hosseini. The book shows us two parallel stories of two women named Mariam and Laila. The story at a point just connected the two different stories of Mariam's which is an abusive marriage and Laila who is in love with Tariq. The language of this book will take you into the plot of the story and make you laugh and cry with the characters.

3. The Alchemist

The Alchemist is an inspiration to whoever's reading it. The main focus of this story on a Shepard boy who journeys on a quest to find treasure. It matters about the journey and what exactly the treasure was. The book was originally written in Portuguese. Later, it was translated into English due to its popularity. If you give it a read I am sure it is going to change your perspective on what a journey means.

4. The Da Vinci code.

It's been a long since the lockdown started and I recommend you that this is the perfect book to read when you have nothing to do. Robert Langdon travels to Paris to solve a big murder mystery connects to the holy grail. Firstly this is a long book full of mysteries. I highly recommend this book to all of the people who like murder mysteries.

5. Daughter's Daughter.

Do you know who this book is written by? It is written by Agatha Christie who is famous for her murder mysteries. Agatha Christie wrote under the name Mary Westmacott. This book talks about the Detroit relationship of a daughter and her mother. The mother wants to remarriage but the daughter is against the remarriage. The mother-daughter relationship eventually jealousy and bitterness.

Hope you guys like my suggestions. Follow me on:

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