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Delhi Is Not Far: An Impeccable Journey.

Hello everyone! Today I felt like talking regarding this book which is 'Delhi is not far'. I was quite bored to even read this book as it seemed the book was slow. It is a short book though it conveys a lot.

The book narrates the story of the people of Pipalnagar by the resident of Pipalnagar who is Arun. Arun is a struggling writer trying to find inspiration. The narrator describes the dreams of his fellow characters also his friends. They have their own dreams which they want to fulfil once they go to Delhi. His close friends Suraj and Kamla always find a way to help him. Kamla is a young prostitute and Suraj is an orphan. I do not wish to spoil the plot so I am going to keep this short.

My takeaway from this was that no matter what never give up on your dream. This book is a must-read for everyone of any age. The way Ruskin Bond has expressed the characters is very unique and interesting. Wishing you guys get your copies now!


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